When a user enters their roll number, the website asynchronously sends requests to the JNTUH server, retrieving the results for all regular and supplementary exams across all semesters associated with the given roll number. Using BeautifulSoup, the backend parses the HTML content of the responses to extract the relevant result information. An algorithm then combines the results and calculates the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) for the student. This entire process is optimized to be completed in less than 2 seconds, allowing the JNTUHRESULTS-vercel website to swiftly provide comprehensive results to the user.
The entire backend logic has been developed by myself, along with my friends Hemanth Kotagiri and Syed Ansar. You are welcome to use the code in any way you see fit by following the GPT license, and if you have any questions or need assistance, please dont hesitate to reach out to us.
To access your grades for all semesters, enter your roll number in the provided inbox in the academic result page and click on the "Results" button. The results of all your semesters will be displayed.
The backend serves as the backbone of the JNTUHRESULTS-vercel project. It is responsible for fetching and parsing the results of both individual students and multiple classmates. By making requests to the JNTUH website and utilizing BeautifulSoup, the backend extracts the required data and provides it to the frontend.
Since the JNTUH website does not provide an API or authentication for result requests, the backend sends requests to the website and captures the responses. It then uses BeautifulSoup, a Python library for parsing HTML, to extract the relevant result information from the HTML response.
The website is built using Next.js. Next.js enables the creation of React-based web applications with server-side rendering and the generation of static websites. The website is hosted on Vercel, which provides fast deployments served from the edge.
If you encounter any issues or have questions regarding the website, you can contact the developer via email thilakreddypothuganti@gmail.com or fill the issue in the Google Forms. Additionally, if you find a bug, you can submit an issue on the project's GitHub repository. You're also welcome to contribute by submitting pull requests with bug fixes or changes to the develop branch.
There are two API endpoints provided by the backend: /api/academicresult?htno=Roll_no: Fetches results for a single student using their roll number. /api/classresult?htnos=multiple_htnos_seperate_by_commas&semester=semester_code: Fetches results for multiple students within a given range of roll numbers and semester code.
Yes, you can message me with your ideas for small website tools that you can't find online or any other features you'd like to see.
If you encounter any issues or have questions regarding the backend setup, deployment, or any special feature implementation, you can contact the developer via email. In case you find a bug, you can submit an issue on the project's GitHub repository. Additionally, you are welcome to contribute by submitting pull requests with bug fixes or changes to the dev branch.